Cooking made easy, life made easy !
A curated selection of delectable appalams and vadams from villages all around...
A collection of easy to choose, pre set Gift packs for any...
Healthy options for a healthy you ! Most are diabetic friendly too...
No preservatives, No vanaspati / palm oil, no aritificial colours or flavours....
Perfect for travel, for students and for those busy days ! Useful...
Karthigai deepam bakshanam orders will be deivred before Karthigai. If you order...
Find your kitchen staples - Basmati Rice, Dals, Oils, Salt etc. Grade...
An extensive range of home made masalas without any fillers or additives...
Aatha pannara maathiri only ! Appadiye aathu taste !
Kitchen MUST haves, to make cooking simpler and tastier !
Life savers. That's what I call these. Busy day? Tired? Just you...
A collection of authentic, specially curated products for you !
Lab tested and certified spice powders. Pure and made in house.
Low on veggies? Want to make that auhentic Vathakuzhambu ? Pick from...